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Learning some things about myself through the Cirrus route... can't wait for chapter 3

(1 edit)

wanted to leave my support for this game! <3
just finished playing through keir's route. i genuinely cannot explain how much i love the storytelling and atmosphere of this game! looking forward to future updates and releases! :)


Hello! I have to say, your game is amazing! 

I was wondering if you guys have an email for contact since the one in "about" doesn't seem to be working :')


Hello! Our email address is for, and our name for that account is rottenraccoons1

Sorry for being a bit obtuse, we just want to avoid being put onto spam lists if at all possible.

Not at all! In fact that's a good thing! I just realized I read the 1 was an L, that was on me haha! Thank you for the answer ^^

(1 edit)

Hello!I can't find a Get key button below the list of files even if I have connected my itch to my Steam. It‘s  something wrong?

Hello! There's definitely something odd happening in this case, but I'm at a loss as to what it could be. The only thing we can do on the backend is turning key distribution on and off and add more if we're running out, so I'm afraid there isn't a lot we can do directly. If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you'll see Itchio does have a small section on why you might not be receiving a key despite it being included, though none of the main reasons should apply to us (we're not participating in a major charity bundle at the moment, and we still have plenty of keys left to redeem in the system).

The best suggestion I can offer is to follow Itchio's directions and reach out to support (there's a link to the support page in the FAQ I linked before). They're in a better position to answer your question at the moment.

Thank you for your reply! I've emailed the support staff.Hopefully things will work out:D

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Hi! I want to know if you have any update about the problem? I have the same problem and have already contact support staff but sadly still haven't got any news from them.

Update: They have responded and fixed mine :D

I have the exact same problem which is sad because I only bought it for the key. Did the support staff help you in any way? :D

hi , how will i be able to access the other files if i purchased it from steam ? i love the game to death and i even made it my priority to be my first ever purchase online . i cant wait for the coming chapters !


I'm not sure what you mean by "other files"?  If you're looking to access the pdf guide for Chapter Two, it's already up on Steam under the "Guides" tab, should be pretty easy to find! If you're wondering how you'll access future chapters, they'll be added automatically in Steam.

yes that's what i meant thanks a lot


Out of ccuriosity, a bit confused, will the price of the game go up when it's completed, if so what is the point of buying it now? sorry if that seems rude


Hi! We will probably raise the price of Obscura once it's done, but people who buy it before that won't have to pay again. Consider it a small "thank you" discount for anyone buying the game before it's complete. Since we're not doing crowdfunding like Kickstarter or Patreon, letting people buy the game in Early Access is also how we've chosen to let people support us during development.

If you want to wait for the game to be finished before buying it, that's a pretty reasonable decision, too! 


Hello! I just bought and downloaded the game but unfortunately I can't find the steam game key anywhere! I already looked under downloads and everything. Am I doing something wrong or is it just the page itself? :0


Hello! When you can't find the key there's two things to check first:

1. Is your itchio account connected to your Steam account? You can connect them in your settings (the "connected account" menu, then use the Steam button), and they need to be connected to redeem a key.

2. Be sure you're checking the right place. At the top of the OBSCURA page should be a grey bar informing you that you've already purchased the game, with a link to the download page. The Steam key redemption button can be found below the other download options.

If you've cleared both of those hurdles, then I'm less certain about what could be going on. There are plenty of keys left to claim, at least.

(1 edit) (-1)

I also did not receive a Steam key as part of my purchase! I wonder if it had anything to do with the sale? I purchased another game earlier with no issues.  Update: After reaching out to support, they said it was an error on their end & fixed the issue. :)


Feral for this game to an unhealthy degree, I'm afraid. Bought on steam and kept gushing to my friend about it. I'm enjoying all the routes but Oleander's my fave

will this game ever be for android i feel it could fit onto android BUT i could be wrong i would love to play on pc and android if not that's fine too


Hi!! I love the game so much. But I think I have problem with the extra story with vesper. I got cirrus's good ending but I still  haven't get vesper's extra story. Is it bug or something? Thank you

Hi! There's a couple of things that could be going on here, but the good news is that it's probably not a bug.

If you can't find the link to the Extra Story in the Extras menu, there's two things to try:

  • Be sure you've reached a good or neutral ending for all four love interests (that's ending 4 or 5, 14 or 15, 19 or 20, and ending 10.)
  • If you have, please try going through the game credits through any of those endings

The game checks that you've finished the required endings to unlock the Extra Story during the credits (it kept things simple when I was programming!), so if you went back to the main menu after getting all the required endings without going through the credits first it may not have completed the check.

Hopefully that helps!


I see. I just checked the game again and the extra story already appear yippiee. Thank you agaain

hello, discord channels invite doesnt seem to work. is it closed? wanted to check since it'd be easier for me to check updates there

Hi, the Discord link above should be working just fine (at the very least, it's not expired!). You can also try this one, which is our custom link and therefore should definitely be working.


sorry if this is annoying, but the game is only two chapters? I don’t want to buy it before it’s complete. Again sorry if this is annoying stupid question 


The game's going to be three chapters per route. The answer's probably somewhere down there in the churn of comments, but there's no harm asking to be sure!


Played the demo and found it really good! Nice writing and intriguing character arcs. Just bought chapter 2 but not sure how to start it. Should I continue from where the first chapter ends or I need to enter chapter 2 via a different interface?

Hi! Chapter Two continues directly from Chapter One, so you can just load a save from around the end of the chapter and it should continue seamlessly (for Keir and Cirrus, at least! Gotta wait a little long for Oleander and Francesco).

Thanks! Can’t wait to go through Francesco’s story!

Hi there!
Just wanting to give props to the Oleander dialogue especially, the back-and-forth is written wonderfully :)
The game has really neat atmosphere and I'm looking forward to seeing how things unfold - keep up the good work, and good luck with the rest of the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey peeps. This game was recommended to me and I wanted to wishlist it on Steam, however, it is not available in my region. My region is Germany, and this is a common problem for some indie games since Germany has very strict age rating laws. IF your game doesn't have an officially supported age rating like USK or the like, it will not even be displayed to customers from Germany. Maybe it's something else, but because I had indie devs from other countries telling me they were unanaware of this fact before, I thought I just let you know.
:) I would love to wishlist and buy the game on Steam, so I hope it will be possible some day.


Oh trust me, we know. We appreciate the helpful sentiment, this monkey has just been on our collective back for a while! Steam decided that our game contains "frequent sexual content", which we think is very silly. But when we disputed the rating Steam disagreed with us, and now German and Chinese players have to access the game elsewhere, like here. 

If you're looking to buy OBSCURA, buying it here on will also grant you access to a Steam key, and we have seen confirmation from our German players that Steam keys can be redeemed for the game without issue. All the major Steam functionality is the same regardless of whether you buy it there or here, and the game's price in Euros on Steam is almost exactly the same as the USD price here on itch (at least at time of writing). So the only major difference in experience is which platform you'll be paying.

If you're looking to wishlist the game to be notified of a sale, we recommend following us on a social platform (we have Twitter, Bluesky, and Tumblr) since we announce all the sale events we take part in. It's not ideal (I personally really like Steam's wishlist functionality and wish it was easier to get an Itch equivalent), but it'll get you the information.

Thanks for the reply! I have added the game to a watchlist, here, and am following you on bsky now. Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you don't know your stuff. It was more a tmyk-kind of thing bc I don't expect the world to always be informed about German shenanigans. I wish my financial situation was better atm, but indeed, I am currently looking for discounted prizes bc my budget is very tight. If that changes, I will buy undiscounted. Keep on doing good stuff, and I am looking forward to playing the game!

No worries, we'd much rather people want to keep us informed of things than not. And while I'm not allowed to talk about sales specifics in advance (Steam's rules again), I can say that we intend to take part in all the regular events that we qualify for. Sales here on itch and over on Steam have the same discount and duration, so there shouldn't be any difficulty picking up the title on a little discount sooner or later. And thanks for wanting to get the game! We hope you enjoy it, when you get the chance to play❤️


I LOVE THIS GAME!! I'm thanking the gods for Cirrus (on my knees ofc ofc). I was waiting for the full game release however I just couldn't anymore! Is there set date that the game will be fully released or an approximate time estimation? Gosh I just don't know how I'll wait!!


im a sucker for good endings but i am yet to actually unlock one, so im wondering if there is a guide for the currently available routes cough cough Cirrus cough cough? i really love the game and its easily my favourite vn,,,, the aesthwtic, the themes, the characters, and most importantly how diverse it is in almost all apects literally has me on my knees bdbgsjdjsh  cant wait for new content to drop omgomgomg [sob] 


If you go to the download links, there is one for the ending guide. I personally love the low-spoiler version :)

hi! rlly loved the game, the story is great and so are the characters! that said, i'm thinking of buying the game in steam, since itch doesn't have the currency for my country and it's a hefty price if bought in itch. since steam matches the value in my country's currency, i just wanted to ask that if i buy obscura in steam now, will i have the early access for the available content in chapter 2 now and have access continuously as the game updates? thank you in advance!


Hi! Yeah, sorry about the lack of regional pricing. We'd have that as an option if supported it, but unfortunately they don't.

Purchases are the same here on itchio and on Steam: pay once, and then you'll receive future content as it arrives. You will not need to pay again for future chapters.


PLEASE drop the new chp.2 song on Spotify when were with keir at the lake (??) idk why but I love it so much I have to open Obscura and just listen to the soundtrack 

I love this game.


If I purchase the game now, would I need to pay more once the second half of Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 is out?

I believe that this is the full price of the game after release

Whoa, sorry for the delay. The game purchase is one-and-done, if you buy it now you'll get the new content as it releases for free (since it's just us updating the game as normal). Here on you may need to manually redownload the game to get the new content, but you'll always have access to the download page via your library.


hii! I played the demo and really wanna buy the EA! But if I buy the EA will I need to rebuy once the full game is finished? Just wanna know before making any purchases! This is a great gameee


That's what I am wondering also!

Whoa, sorry for the delay. The game purchase is one-and-done, if you buy it now you'll get the new content as it releases for free (since it's just us updating the game as normal). Here on you may need to manually redownload the game to get the new content, but you'll always have access to the download page via your library.

sadly, this game isn't available in the steam store in my country (germany)! would love to play it some day :)


Hi! Unfortunately, Steam has blocked the sale of Obscura to Germany and China due to its age rating. We weren't going to give Obscura such a high rating because there really isn't much sexual content in the game at the moment, but Steam set it higher and refused to lower it when we disputed the rating. If it was up to us, we wouldn't be blocking access to the game in any country.

The good news is that if you buy the game here on itchio, you'll also get a Steam key that will unlock the game on Steam as usual. There's effectively no difference in price for people in Germany, as the game's price in Euro on Steam and in USD here are nearly the same due to the exchange rate.


I love this game. And I am VERY happy it is on Steam.
(I don't buy games elsewhere.)

It's very lucky I found it too.
If it hadn't snuck in with suggestions for yandere games, I would not have known of it's existence.

I searched for Dark Romance games on Steam, and went over every single one.
But I have never seen this there.

Is it not a romance game? Or simply not properly labeled on Steam?

Either way, it's on my wishlist now, so I will be able to continue my adventures with the guy whom is either based on Dorian Gray, or perhaps is on his way to become a Slaaneshi. *Chuckles*

He is rather cute, suspiciously so.

I am a bit sad that we cannot indulge in all the depraved desires he so clearly wish for, but perhaps it will become an option later. (I am sick and tired of moralism in games, I really am.)

At least the MC have a logical reason for focusing on things more important than orgies and drugs, so it makes sense story-wise. But I'd love to see that as an option later in the game.

Ah, well.

Once I can afford it, I will make sure to buy it and find out.


I wanted to say I love this so much, and thank you for a safe word that makes it so easy to access if anything happens. Keep up the great work!


Loved this so much. The entire premise is captivating. Love choices are divine. Can't wait to play more.  

omg I LOVE it especially the music!! Absolutely my fav game I‘ve ever played. I really love the scene where Vesper first meet Francesco, and the music there is just PERFECT.Can't wait to see Fran's Chapter Two😭😭he’s soooo sweet 

(6 edits)

SPOILERS: bug???

I don't know how to get keir's chapter 2 good ending. Anytime i pick a flirty option or forgiveness he reacts as if I've chosen the negative one or I pick water instead of liquor and the game acts like i picked the drinking option.I'm not getting the responses for the dialogue options I pick. I get ending 31 no matter what I do unless I choose an option that gets me killed. Cannot get his kiss scene.

There's definitely some confusion here, ending 31 is  the "good" ending for Keir's second chapter. There is no other ending to look for. As for the weird behaviour from the game, there's two possibilities I can offer: 

1) Ren'py did something weird. It's rare but not impossible for the engine to have a major hiccup and behave unexpectedly, in which case starting a fresh playthrough and skipping through the early material should put you back into the normal gameplay.

2) You finished Chapter One with less than four affection points with Keir. It's impossible to score enough affection points in Chapter Two to get the last CG and the kiss scene unless you already have four points when it starts. Keir's good end in Chapter One only needs three affection points, so it's possible to get locked out.

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I got the best ending for chapter one and managed to get the kiss scene through a series of picking random answers so I doubt I'll be able to do it again. Would a better walkthrough be a possibility? Current one just doesn't make any sense also I restarted 5 times 


you guys will never believe my shock at seeing Cirrus because he's literally exactly like my own character Arcturus; moon-themed, smug-looking, similar hair and outfit....HOW DID I ONLY FIND THIS NOW.   the game looks so interesting! 

Deleted 93 days ago

it says Your purchase comes with a Steam key so im guessing you should have it?

Love keir so much oh my GOD

I have a question, do the endings titles clear themselves out? Some time in November I played through about half of the characters and when I came to play again the ending titles were cleared. My past saves and the CG's were still there, it was just the ending titles

WOW! Just wow... this is one of the best games that I have come across on this site. The writing, the plot, the characters are all exquisite. Truly, I have enjoyed each of the routes an incredible amount, and I am looking forward to more to come. I will definitely be on the lookout for more from this creator. Thank you for your hard work, creativity, and skillful writing!

(1 edit) (+4)

For any other German players (even tho, you could find the information on this site as well): I was able to activate my key within Steam <3.

Just played a few cathartic rounds with Cirrus ^^, but I will explore the other ones as well. Curious about the finished product...maybe next year?

Edit: I especially like the aftercare scenes/option. The story and the world are engaging so far. Cirrus is ofc not a very healthy option  the only viable option  choice but...well I'm glad he's an option. Aaand the characters don't look like teenagers, another plus.


ive played the demo and the second chapter on steam and i can say that this is one of my favourite otome based games. [the other favs are: cinderella phenomenon and its sequel, and the beta of rock robin] obscura's art is so flattering and very easy on the eyes. im interested in its world and id love to see some world building!


i love keir so much omg 😭😭 chapter two had me CHEESINGG esp when he said he loved gaps hehe 🤍 BUYING IT WAS SO WORTH IT 🤭

I'm playing the demo and I love how in Francesco route, the player acts similar to Keir. I find it kinda funny.

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Iv only recently become obsessed with this game! I have already spent so many hours on it 😍👀 will there be an ending guid for chapter  2? 


francesco is so cuteeee. they’ll never make me hate you bb <3


Hi! I'm one of your players from Thailand. I really love your game! The characters are super interesting. Do you think there's a chance you'll add more language subtitles in the future? This is honestly the best game I've played this year!🇹🇭👋💖


CHAPTER 2 IS SO GOOD SUSFUIG oh my god I'm crying real tears holy shit oh my god oh my GODDDDD If  you're debating buying it, it's so worth imo!! I can't wait for more to be released WAHHHHH😭😭 I love you Keir, nobody could ever make me hate you Keir, my beloved...

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