I love this game so far!! I've done Kier's route twice now for both the good and bad ending, and I can't wait to explore the others. I also LOVE the MC and how expressive they are. The addition of the masks is also great because it allows you to truly imagine the MC however you want. Looking forward to more.
This was so fun to play! Played both routes and my favorite is Keir even though he's a douchebag. I really enjoyed the dynamic between Keir and Vesper. Vesper is so sassy and really clever, absoluetely loved their personality! One of the only things that kinda bothered me were how it felt like Vesper's personality kind of got watered down in Cirrus's route? Vesper is desperate for the ichor but in Cirrus's route it was like they were even more desperate, to the point of not even questioning Cirrus when he first offered help. They are suspicious but never question Cirrus unlike their behavior with Keir. But then again Keir did kidnap, blackmail and coerce them so maybe that's why they're more willing to get on his nerves. idk if this is a me thing or nah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Either way, looking forward to the fancy stranger and 2nd chapter~
Why do I choose the pronouns "she/her" but still feel like the characters perceive me as a gender-neutral being? Apparently, this is a problem in all games where you can choose your pronouns, but it doesn't even minimally affect the plot and the perception of the mc by other characters. I mean if I choose a feminine pronoun, then I would like to feel that other characters do see me as a woman. I wish the chosen pronouns weren't just a formality.
So according to you, being a woman means imposing a misogynistic gender role on her?It's unfortunate that you have such negative associations with the female sex. I, on the contrary, enjoy the fact that I'm a woman and I don't want to hide my feminine essence behind a mask, especially when I have chosen the "she/ her" pronouns. Or why then in the game they made it even possible to choose your pronouns, despite the fact that you're wearing a mask?
because the gender of the mc doesn't matter to the story, and the mask is a way to let people imagine the mc however they want rather that putting restrictions on the possible appearances. the mc in your story can still be female or not, the love interest don't care either way because it isn't the focus of the darn story.
Firstly, even if your face is masked, your voice will still be feminine or masculine.And the outlines of your body will still hint that you have either a feminine figure or a masculine-type figure. Sometimes you just have to look at a person's gait, and you can already guess what gender this person is.Therefore, wearing a mask cannot mean that you will be perceived as a gender-neutral being. There are many other aspects that indicate which gender a person belongs to. Secondly, doesn't my choice of pronoun in itself imply that I want to be perceived as a being of the gender whose pronoun I have chosen? If I choose "she/her", then I think it makes sense that I want the characters to perceive me as a woman and treat me as one.
what is up with you calling all the nb fellas gender-neutral BEINGS, we're people just like any man or woman and the characters in the game treat us as such. there are plenty games with cis women as mc's, but this one isn't one of them. the mc doesn't have a specific gender but does have a personality that doesn't need to correspond to the pronouns chosen by the player and besides, it's pronouns=gender and people can use any pronouns despite their appearance or gender.
I didn't talk about you.I talked about MY OWN feelings and how the choice of pronouns makes me feel in the story. Yes, I'm a bit disturbed that after choosing feminine pronouns, I still continue to feel like a gender-neutral person/being ("being" is just a synonym for "person" so calm your sh!t). I think it would be the same for you if you chose "they/them" pronouns and other characters were treating you like a lady, for example. And you're wrong about the mc not having a specific gender. Perhaps you skipped biology classes or forgot which pronouns refer to which gender? It is logical that a person who identifies themselves as a man chooses masculine pronouns, and a person who identifies themselves as a woman chooses feminine pronouns. And the one who considers themselves nb choses "they/them". All other combinations just don't make sense.
Why, for example, would a person who identifies himself as a man choose feminine pronouns? To confuse others? What would be the point of this?
lmao no people can use whatever pronouns they want despite how they present themselves, gender is not defined by pronouns you moron. there are no f*cking points in what pronouns you’re using besides it feeling comfortable for you.
you aren’t choosing mcs gender you’re choosing how others refer to you in the game. and if the main character in the story was a woman (as they usually are in dating sims) i would not be complaining about it because then the game wasn’t meant for me to put myself into that character. it is a different thing with characters which gender isn’t relevant in the story and isn’t specified, because it allows both nbs and other genders to put themselves into without any restriction. gender neutrality isn’t about invalidating YOUR gender identity its about allowing as many different gender identifying people to have a game where they can play as a character that doesn’t have standard gender roles pushed into them.
(also being and person aren’t synonyms, while being a person does imply that you’re a being, calling someone a being doesn’t necessarily mean that the being is a person, this is just a very insensitive wording and yes i am indeed offended by it whenever you meant it well or not)
I think it goes more along with the "diversity" and your interpertation of your mc, it might not fit your taste, but adding a lot of descriptions just to fit the pronouns might give the creator more work to do (via, coding wise). Plus, it's up to them if they're willing to add it or not. There are other games with more in depth that is in touch with pronouns and sexuality, that is out there too.
I've just bought the game and played for a bit. The settings and vibes really intriguing so far! I love the atmosphere so much. Too bad that 'Fancy stranger' haven't have his own route yet and that discourages me from finishing current chapter a bit (He seems to be my type and I wanna pursue him so much!) I will wait for the updates, keep up good work^^!
this is such a fun and interesting story ur cooking up lol.. the art is really lovely and im A HUGE FAN of the . idk lore? the masks, the gods, the market itself. its really really fun. the art and music are really pretty, and the writing has a distinct tone and style to it that suits the atmosphere nicely. the interactions between vesper and keir are so cute and dynamic - and vespers internal dialogue, especially their distrust, adds a really neat level to those interactions, as well as with other characters.
anyways. really looking forward to seeing more of this :-)
wow! this is one of the most unique visual novels i've ever played! i'm glad i got to play this.
i normally don't write reviews but i just had to for this one. i'm particularly astounded by the world-building and how you managed to come up with the MC without them being skewed to one specific gender. as someone who is queer, i found this very smart and was happy :)
the characters are very lovely as well. cirrus was my favorite from the two so far; i really love dark themes haha. but i'm curious about the fancy-looking stranger because i'm already drawn to him just from the cameo! it was also refreshing to see a talkative and sarcastic MC.
i believe i also got all endings. this is not something you probably did intentionally, but i found myself chuckling over some of the bad endings (SPOILER: like "cirrus got bored of you" or "you ran your mouth too much"). it's like saying f*ck around and find out, which suits this adventure(?)-style genre and adds a charm to the game. i guess to simply say, the consequences of the choices the player makes are quite quirky.
one last thing: the writing style is Amazing. it's playful yet serious and colloquial yet eloquent. i'm also a writer and an avid reader who often gets picky about how a story is written, so this was rather superb and unique. world building is indeed one of the hardest elements to write (esp. in fantasy, dystopia, etc. genres) and i just think you neatly had it down.
i'll be following obscura closely! thank you for such a beautiful game :)
THIS WAS SOOOO GOOD, CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE OF IT!!! I loved both routes, and it's so nice of you to put an aftercare thing-y for people who might feel bad. The music, the backgrounds and the character designs are AMAZING, and the story seem really interesting, with charismatic characters. Do you have any intents to put the game on Steam? I'd love to put it in my wishlist if yes!! Otherwise, I'd be glad to accompany it by itch.io or have any other way. :)
I adore the characterization and world building in this game! The small details like most places not having rooms underground are really nice touches, and the MC has a discernible personality rather than being a self-insert.
The aftercare screen is also an excellent edition. Cirrus' scenes are fascinating, but they did make me feel a bit uncomfy - not the BDSM so much as the MC isn't in much of a position to have a say in the situation, regardless of whether he wants it or not - so it's nice to be provided with a break when I need it.
I read all the comments about Cirrus and was very confused, now I understand. But for real, its a great game i especially love how the MC isn't a pick me or clingy but sassy. Also both the ML are pretty interesting. I wonder about the masked stranger and what his future role will be.
I absolutely loved it, the protagonist isn't cringy and weird, the characters are perfect, the backgrounds, art, and music is awesome! and the aftercare is so sweet, thank you so much! can't wait for more!
so good! i got both of the best endings. cirrus is so BARK and i love how he instantly gets attached to the protag and asks them to stay... and kier's headpats makes me want to sob
KEIR? I got the best ending and it was so wholesome!! The game certainly brings up heavy topics, but the aftercare really helped. <3 It was lovely. Thank you for that addition, game devs !
im not exactly sure how to play it, ive downloaded it just fine but i tried to use the same method as i did for blooming panic but it doesnt work, or maybe its a certain file? im not sure but if you could help i'd appreciate it ! cant wait to play this game!
I'm not sure what you mean by "the same method as Blooming Panic", but if you're using a Windows machine you need to:
1) download the correct zip file (the one labelled "-pc")
2) unzip the file by right-clicking on the file and choosing "extract all" or "extract here"
3) go into the newly-made folder and find the application file, which should be called "Obscura" and launch that. If you have an older Windows machine then you may need to launch "Obscura-32" instead.
The process should be similar if you're a Mac user. Extract the folder from the zip file, then go into the folder to launch the executable. If the launch file isn't working, you may need to see if your anti-virus program hasn't blocked or deleted the game files; OBSCURA isn't a risk to your computer but some anti-virus programs don't like playing unknown games.
Hachi Machi. Keir was such a comfy route, and then playing Cirrus's right after... Woof. Bark bark. Bark woof bark bark. I adore both of their best endings, and I'm both so curious what their other ends are and also absolutely unwilling to get them because I love our little happy (?) endings. I beg you to keep working on this game, or at the very least just write the full story somewhere. I'm in love! The writing on both is absolutely incredible!!
Cirrus is so sus ඞඞඞ and i like the best ending because if we choose "Have Cirrus do it" he will say mc is a m@s0ch1st ඞ .But the "Cirrus grew bored of you" ending ;-; (i know i know my english is not good 5.25/10 on the test)
Wow, what a beautiful game. The art, music and writing were all wonderful, and the options to customize the protagonist were appreciated and lovely. Everyone did a great job, and thank you so much for sharing.
Hi girls from Rotten Raccoon! My name is Leonardo Lindoso, I'm CEO at Astral Game Studio. Our studio is now looking for other indie devs to offer Brazilian Portuguese localization for FREE as we are building our own localization portfolio and we saw that Obscura doesn't currently have a PT-BR localization. If this is interesting for you, please contact us at contact@astralgamestudio.com (I couldn't find any email to contact you, sorry)
this is such an interesting game! the world you guys have built is super engaging, and i lovee kier. the addition of an aftercare scene is very thoughtful, and something i've never seen in any other games. i think it's a very nice touch <3 i'm excited to see future chapters!
(also a small bug i've noticed: if you scroll up to view previous text, the music will stop playing for the rest of that file. only way to fix is to reload a save from before you scrolled up)
This is an insanely nice game, I went down Theif's route for this demo and I was laughing a lot. I'm not sure if it was just late outside but it amused me. The full game will be above & beyond.
in the future can you add female romantic interests?? i loved the demo but i am lesbian and i think it would be great to have more avaliable woman to date ><
Même si on aimerait offrir une traduction, on en aura probablement pas l'occasion avant de 1) avoir terminé le jeu et 2) avoir les moyens pour en payer une. C'est juste trop compliqué en ce moment.
On est désolées 😔 Mais merci de nous avoir demandé! On espère que tu auras l'occasion de profiter du jeu d'une façon ou une autre 🌙✨
What about 18+ hot scenes in the future?) Is there a chance they will be present in the game? Are they even possible considering the choice of pronounce function? I mean I choose to be a woman/she/her but I still feel like the characters don't perceive me as one. More like the pronounce choice doesn't even matter in the game - the characters don't change even a little bit their behavior towards me. I feel like I'm just gender neutral for them or something...
We'd like to include adult material in the future, in the game or in DLC form depending on what serves the story best. We'll definitely cross that bridge when we get to it.
← Return to game
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Keir is hot! I've laughed multiple times uwu more Keir pleasee
aaah i cant wait to see what happens next! i love the setting you've created (the masks are such a nice touch). perfection. (kier i love you)
I love this game so far!! I've done Kier's route twice now for both the good and bad ending, and I can't wait to explore the others. I also LOVE the MC and how expressive they are. The addition of the masks is also great because it allows you to truly imagine the MC however you want. Looking forward to more.
This was so fun to play! Played both routes and my favorite is Keir even though he's a douchebag. I really enjoyed the dynamic between Keir and Vesper. Vesper is so sassy and really clever, absoluetely loved their personality! One of the only things that kinda bothered me were how it felt like Vesper's personality kind of got watered down in Cirrus's route? Vesper is desperate for the ichor but in Cirrus's route it was like they were even more desperate, to the point of not even questioning Cirrus when he first offered help. They are suspicious but never question Cirrus unlike their behavior with Keir. But then again Keir did kidnap, blackmail and coerce them so maybe that's why they're more willing to get on his nerves. idk if this is a me thing or nah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Either way, looking forward to the fancy stranger and 2nd chapter~
Apart from that the game looks really divine! I like its dark atmosphere and kinky vibes :)
Why do I choose the pronouns "she/her" but still feel like the characters perceive me as a gender-neutral being? Apparently, this is a problem in all games where you can choose your pronouns, but it doesn't even minimally affect the plot and the perception of the mc by other characters. I mean if I choose a feminine pronoun, then I would like to feel that other characters do see me as a woman. I wish the chosen pronouns weren't just a formality.
So according to you, being a woman means imposing a misogynistic gender role on her? It's unfortunate that you have such negative associations with the female sex. I, on the contrary, enjoy the fact that I'm a woman and I don't want to hide my feminine essence behind a mask, especially when I have chosen the "she/ her" pronouns. Or why then in the game they made it even possible to choose your pronouns, despite the fact that you're wearing a mask?
Just a thought for you ;)because the gender of the mc doesn't matter to the story, and the mask is a way to let people imagine the mc however they want rather that putting restrictions on the possible appearances. the mc in your story can still be female or not, the love interest don't care either way because it isn't the focus of the darn story.
Firstly, even if your face is masked, your voice will still be feminine or masculine. And the outlines of your body will still hint that you have either a feminine figure or a masculine-type figure. Sometimes you just have to look at a person's gait, and you can already guess what gender this person is. Therefore, wearing a mask cannot mean that you will be perceived as a gender-neutral being. There are many other aspects that indicate which gender a person belongs to.
Secondly, doesn't my choice of pronoun in itself imply that I want to be perceived as a being of the gender whose pronoun I have chosen? If I choose "she/her", then I think it makes sense that I want the characters to perceive me as a woman and treat me as one.
what is up with you calling all the nb fellas gender-neutral BEINGS, we're people just like any man or woman and the characters in the game treat us as such. there are plenty games with cis women as mc's, but this one isn't one of them. the mc doesn't have a specific gender but does have a personality that doesn't need to correspond to the pronouns chosen by the player and besides, it's pronouns=gender and people can use any pronouns despite their appearance or gender.
I didn't talk about you. I talked about MY OWN feelings and how the choice of pronouns makes me feel in the story. Yes, I'm a bit disturbed that after choosing feminine pronouns, I still continue to feel like a gender-neutral person/being ("being" is just a synonym for "person" so calm your sh!t).
I think it would be the same for you if you chose "they/them" pronouns and other characters were treating you like a lady, for example.
And you're wrong about the mc not having a specific gender. Perhaps you skipped biology classes or forgot which pronouns refer to which gender?
It is logical that a person who identifies themselves as a man chooses masculine pronouns, and a person who identifies themselves as a woman chooses feminine pronouns. And the one who considers themselves nb choses "they/them".
All other combinations just don't make sense.
Why, for example, would a person who identifies himself as a man choose feminine pronouns? To confuse others? What would be the point of this?
lmao no people can use whatever pronouns they want despite how they present themselves, gender is not defined by pronouns you moron. there are no f*cking points in what pronouns you’re using besides it feeling comfortable for you.
you aren’t choosing mcs gender you’re choosing how others refer to you in the game. and if the main character in the story was a woman (as they usually are in dating sims) i would not be complaining about it because then the game wasn’t meant for me to put myself into that character. it is a different thing with characters which gender isn’t relevant in the story and isn’t specified, because it allows both nbs and other genders to put themselves into without any restriction. gender neutrality isn’t about invalidating YOUR gender identity its about allowing as many different gender identifying people to have a game where they can play as a character that doesn’t have standard gender roles pushed into them.
(also being and person aren’t synonyms, while being a person does imply that you’re a being, calling someone a being doesn’t necessarily mean that the being is a person, this is just a very insensitive wording and yes i am indeed offended by it whenever you meant it well or not)
I think it goes more along with the "diversity" and your interpertation of your mc, it might not fit your taste, but adding a lot of descriptions just to fit the pronouns might give the creator more work to do (via, coding wise). Plus, it's up to them if they're willing to add it or not. There are other games with more in depth that is in touch with pronouns and sexuality, that is out there too.
I've just bought the game and played for a bit. The settings and vibes really intriguing so far! I love the atmosphere so much. Too bad that 'Fancy stranger' haven't have his own route yet and that discourages me from finishing current chapter a bit (He seems to be my type and I wanna pursue him so much!) I will wait for the updates, keep up good work^^!
this is such a fun and interesting story ur cooking up lol.. the art is really lovely and im A HUGE FAN of the . idk lore? the masks, the gods, the market itself. its really really fun. the art and music are really pretty, and the writing has a distinct tone and style to it that suits the atmosphere nicely. the interactions between vesper and keir are so cute and dynamic - and vespers internal dialogue, especially their distrust, adds a really neat level to those interactions, as well as with other characters.
anyways. really looking forward to seeing more of this :-)
Hot thief and a kinky priest IM OBSESSED. I really love the mature themes and I can't wait for the next update <3
wow! this is one of the most unique visual novels i've ever played! i'm glad i got to play this.
i normally don't write reviews but i just had to for this one. i'm particularly astounded by the world-building and how you managed to come up with the MC without them being skewed to one specific gender. as someone who is queer, i found this very smart and was happy :)
the characters are very lovely as well. cirrus was my favorite from the two so far; i really love dark themes haha. but i'm curious about the fancy-looking stranger because i'm already drawn to him just from the cameo! it was also refreshing to see a talkative and sarcastic MC.
i believe i also got all endings. this is not something you probably did intentionally, but i found myself chuckling over some of the bad endings (SPOILER: like "cirrus got bored of you" or "you ran your mouth too much"). it's like saying f*ck around and find out, which suits this adventure(?)-style genre and adds a charm to the game. i guess to simply say, the consequences of the choices the player makes are quite quirky.
one last thing: the writing style is Amazing. it's playful yet serious and colloquial yet eloquent. i'm also a writer and an avid reader who often gets picky about how a story is written, so this was rather superb and unique. world building is indeed one of the hardest elements to write (esp. in fantasy, dystopia, etc. genres) and i just think you neatly had it down.
i'll be following obscura closely! thank you for such a beautiful game :)
I loved both routes, and it's so nice of you to put an aftercare thing-y for people who might feel bad.
The music, the backgrounds and the character designs are AMAZING, and the story seem really interesting, with charismatic characters.
Do you have any intents to put the game on Steam? I'd love to put it in my wishlist if yes!! Otherwise, I'd be glad to accompany it by itch.io or have any other way. :)
I adore the characterization and world building in this game! The small details like most places not having rooms underground are really nice touches, and the MC has a discernible personality rather than being a self-insert.
The aftercare screen is also an excellent edition. Cirrus' scenes are fascinating, but they did make me feel a bit uncomfy - not the BDSM so much as the MC isn't in much of a position to have a say in the situation, regardless of whether he wants it or not - so it's nice to be provided with a break when I need it.
I read all the comments about Cirrus and was very confused, now I understand. But for real, its a great game i especially love how the MC isn't a pick me or clingy but sassy. Also both the ML are pretty interesting. I wonder about the masked stranger and what his future role will be.
I absolutely loved it, the protagonist isn't cringy and weird, the characters are perfect, the backgrounds, art, and music is awesome! and the aftercare is so sweet, thank you so much! can't wait for more!
so good! i got both of the best endings. cirrus is so BARK and i love how he instantly gets attached to the protag and asks them to stay... and kier's headpats makes me want to sob
KEIR? I got the best ending and it was so wholesome!! The game certainly brings up heavy topics, but the aftercare really helped. <3 It was lovely. Thank you for that addition, game devs !
im not exactly sure how to play it, ive downloaded it just fine but i tried to use the same method as i did for blooming panic but it doesnt work, or maybe its a certain file? im not sure but if you could help i'd appreciate it ! cant wait to play this game!
I'm not sure what you mean by "the same method as Blooming Panic", but if you're using a Windows machine you need to:
1) download the correct zip file (the one labelled "-pc")
2) unzip the file by right-clicking on the file and choosing "extract all" or "extract here"
3) go into the newly-made folder and find the application file, which should be called "Obscura" and launch that. If you have an older Windows machine then you may need to launch "Obscura-32" instead.
The process should be similar if you're a Mac user. Extract the folder from the zip file, then go into the folder to launch the executable. If the launch file isn't working, you may need to see if your anti-virus program hasn't blocked or deleted the game files; OBSCURA isn't a risk to your computer but some anti-virus programs don't like playing unknown games.
Ahhh, thank you i got it ! I'm very excited to play this game!
I'm so in love with Keir
Awwww I love it!!! Cirrus is so sexy XD
Hachi Machi. Keir was such a comfy route, and then playing Cirrus's right after... Woof. Bark bark. Bark woof bark bark. I adore both of their best endings, and I'm both so curious what their other ends are and also absolutely unwilling to get them because I love our little happy (?) endings. I beg you to keep working on this game, or at the very least just write the full story somewhere. I'm in love! The writing on both is absolutely incredible!!
is fancy stranger gonna get a route?
The first chapter of his route is upcoming, yes!
Cirrus is so sus ඞඞඞ
and i like the best ending because if we choose "Have Cirrus do it" he willsay mc is a m@s0ch1stඞ .But the "Cirrus grew bored of you" ending ;-; (i know i know my english is not good5.25/10on the test)Wait wait wait wait-I just read the Warnings and Cirrus is a s@dist ??? AHA EVEN BETTER
Dose Fancy Stranger have a rout yet?
Not yet! We'll be announcing when his first chapter releases soon, so we recommend following us to see when it's announced.
Wow, what a beautiful game. The art, music and writing were all wonderful, and the options to customize the protagonist were appreciated and lovely. Everyone did a great job, and thank you so much for sharing.
How can Cirrus be so gorgeous? Can't wait for hot scenes update.
Hi girls from Rotten Raccoon! My name is Leonardo Lindoso, I'm CEO at Astral Game Studio. Our studio is now looking for other indie devs to offer Brazilian Portuguese localization for FREE as we are building our own localization portfolio and we saw that Obscura doesn't currently have a PT-BR localization. If this is interesting for you, please contact us at contact@astralgamestudio.com (I couldn't find any email to contact you, sorry)
Really love the game! I hope chapter two also comes out
Part 2 of my playthrough
Part 3
this is such an interesting game! the world you guys have built is super engaging, and i lovee kier. the addition of an aftercare scene is very thoughtful, and something i've never seen in any other games. i think it's a very nice touch <3 i'm excited to see future chapters!
(also a small bug i've noticed: if you scroll up to view previous text, the music will stop playing for the rest of that file. only way to fix is to reload a save from before you scrolled up)
when do yall think the next update will come out??? cause its killing me having to wait.. :( also when do yall think the full game will come out?
This is an insanely nice game, I went down Theif's route for this demo and I was laughing a lot. I'm not sure if it was just late outside but it amused me. The full game will be above & beyond.
Part 1 of my playthrough
in the future can you add female romantic interests?? i loved the demo but i am lesbian and i think it would be great to have more avaliable woman to date ><
Thank you for playing our demo! 🌙✨ Sorry to disappoint, but we have no plans to add female love interests in OBSCURA.
Thats ok! Still a very good game <3
Bonjour est ce qu’il sera disponible en fr ?
Salut! 😊
Même si on aimerait offrir une traduction, on en aura probablement pas l'occasion avant de 1) avoir terminé le jeu et 2) avoir les moyens pour en payer une. C'est juste trop compliqué en ce moment.
On est désolées 😔 Mais merci de nous avoir demandé! On espère que tu auras l'occasion de profiter du jeu d'une façon ou une autre 🌙✨
merci j'attendrais alors dans le futur
Every demo you make is so dam pretty if you ever make any buyable full game im throwing all my money at you!
this is such a beautiful game, plot-wise and visual-wise. can't wait to see more of it in the future :)
What about 18+ hot scenes in the future?) Is there a chance they will be present in the game?
Are they even possible considering the choice of pronounce function?
I mean I choose to be a woman/she/her but I still feel like the characters don't perceive me as one. More like the pronounce choice doesn't even matter in the game - the characters don't change even a little bit their behavior towards me. I feel like I'm just gender neutral for them or something...
We'd like to include adult material in the future, in the game or in DLC form depending on what serves the story best. We'll definitely cross that bridge when we get to it.
happy2023!(sorry for being late