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This game is honestly amazing. I cannot wait to see more! 

(1 edit) (+5)

did I just get the best end with Keir on my first try????? yes???? am I happy now??? YES????? DO I WANT MORE? YES, YES I DO. AM I IN LOVE WITH A THIEF? YES I AM.

Cirrus is making me realize I'm more of a masochist than I had thought, man. His best end is making me red, man.


don't go to church here folks or cirrus will rearrange your uhhh your uh mental framework! (i'm obsessed i can't wait for more)


I have to say... this really was an experience. Not only for the visually stunning art that is present but also with the beautiful music that accompanies it. I love how we can just focus on one route because truly, I was a bit hesitant with it. But I'm glad I can actively pour my attention over to whatever is happening on that route. 

My first route was Keir and he was the first one I got to Best Ending which, I was so happy about because I love the bond Keir has with the MC and the overall story, it was less heavy compared to what was happening to the other route but it was also pretty thrilling, I like Keir's personality and his jokes, they really vibed well with me. And the comfort I felt with him was very soothing that I was glad that I got to the Best Ending.

I was a bit stumped but enthralled with Cirrus due to his mysterious nature and why he seemed so intent on saving us especially with the lunar ichor. His route was by far a tricky one to undertake and it made me curious over what was happening but I have to thank the guide because it was also my first Neutral Ending route which just showed how resilient MC was, but also in the Best Ending I couldn't help but be curious over the desperation Cirrus had. So curious to see more.

Francesco's route was the route where I got my very first Bad Ending which just hurts me in the heart (it was the out of time), thankfully I was able to quickly find out what happened but I'm still so curious about Francesco and how he just got some random people to back down, I know he has to be of noble lineage or something but it's a very curious thing, but also his Best Ending was on par with Keir if not you feel like an exasperated friend watching over your more irresponsible friend. Also he looks so pretty in such a cute sexy way so SUE me.

I didn't get to Oleander's route since I didn't know how to unlock him yet... but he does look curious~

Also, not only that-- but that Aftercare scene? Especially with the main character?? My heart clenched and I felt so at ease, I love this insert and though I didn't go ham and complete all endings because I didn't want to hurt myself, I really appreciate you all for adding this! This was such a lovely visual novel I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Looking forward to see what comes next~!!


Yesss I agree to ur review!! Also as for Oleander, if u choose "Leave" when u initially see the ruccus in the street at the start of the story, u will reach a bar/tavern of sorts and then if u "Approach the laughing crowd", Boom! U will find Mr. Charming/ Oleander there

Ohh thank you for that tip! I'm so curious now what'll happen heheheh


i NEED francesco biblically <3  




Ok I’m impressed and October is right around the corner.


struggling to get a good end with cirrus

(1 edit) (+3)

im currently playing it right now, although i havent finished all the endings  but i love everything about this!! the plot, the charaters, the designs, the art and everything. The guys r spiceyy and sweet, addtionally i love the main character's personality and their banters w the love interest <3 much lovee for the game


oh my god???? how can all the characters be absolutely delectable??? pls my fucking heart cant take it.. oleander, cirrus, francessco, keir THEYRE ALL SO GOOD NAJNANOZJAO im burstinnnng

(1 edit) (+2)

Omg i absolutely love this VN.The quality,the characters,the sounds,everything about it is amazing.And my most favourite are Keir and Francesco,my type❤️


have never bought a game before but I am willing to throw any amount of money at the next chapters for this. what an incredible gem on this platform, I think about this demo all the time!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+4)





Love this already!! Also Cirrus just unlocked something in me and I'm confused-

i feel u, bro's crazy but likeeeeee 

I realized I'm more of a masochist than I had though. I'm so confused now.

im obsessed with Cirrus omg


i've just discovered this and i'm already obsessed


No Android??


THIS WAS SO GOOD YOU GUYS! Cirrus my beloved <3




Incredible level of craft and love put into this and it shows in the smallest of details. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter!


where is next chapterrrrr ? plz add more chapter and nsfw concept lol. I really like dark romance and this is the top perfect dark romance game


cant wait for the next chapter! :DD

will this be playable in browser version?


i love my skrunkle dooks oleander


Are you planning on releasing it one chapter at a time, or is Chapter One like a demo and you will release the full game when it's all finished?


We're aiming to release one chapter at a time 😊


I need android version 😭😭


pleaseeeeee when will it be released fully??


Btw I love that you put in the "Back" button, so when I mess up or find my character in an uncomfortable situation, I can go back and make a different choice. :)

Wow, this is really good!

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Very interested in the game so far. Good characters, good writing, great art.. I cant wait for more! Oleander is definitely my favourite, his route feels the most fleshed out.


I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH- All the designs are unique and memorable- (Spoilers Below for anyone reading)




I especially adore Keir's character and story so far- my first playthrough I got his Best End, I'm so excited to see where things go from here!!! How he interacts with the other residents of Mouse Hole definitely endeared me to his character quite a bit. I really like that he has his own set of morals he still follows. He has his own charm and I enjoy the banter between him and the MC- TOP TIER WRITING!!! Also him patting the MC's head at the end and calling them a good egg was a really fun way to leave things until the story continues imo-

And I am so down bad for Oleander it's not even funny- I don't care I witnessed him poison a man I will shamelessly defend him until my last breath- HE'S SO FINE IT'S UNFAIR- HE'S SO MUCH FUN AND I AM WRAPPED AROUND HIS FINGER- The dancing part of his route was fantastic- His character is definitely my favorite, I love his confidence and bold nature, along with the hints and someone possibly sweeter and heartfelt underneath (I had a lot of fun playing through the tea shop part, I thought him trading some of his tea for a bit of the MC's cake was really cute)!!!! I'm really excited to see where his story goes in general! ^^

Francesco is adorable too- I'm almost 100% sure he's a prince about to be coronated which is why he's trying to try everything before he has a lifetime of responsibilities- either that or maybe he's also sick? Idk, either way his story was fun to play through- it's adorable how flustered he got when he was flirted with- I wonder if there's a twist to him, I guess I'll have to wait and see! >:D

Cirrus scares the shit outta me- that is all-

I really enjoyed this game overall! It was a lot of fun and really exciting! I can't wait to see where things go! The safeword button and aftercare are an amazing idea and it was really sweet and reassuring- It made the game even more enjoyable as I always felt like I had a safety net-  I love the characters, the writing, the atmosphere, and the mechanics! The timed options is a lot of fun! Thank you guys so much for sharing this absolutely fantastic game!!! <3


Do you have any advice/how to get Oleander's best ending??? Because I've been trying so many times but I keep getting neutral :( 

And yeah you're right, he's mighty fine ;)


There's a PDF in the downloads that can guide you! 


love it so much!!


OOOOH my god okay so. okay. ough. oh. give me a second to collect my thoughts because good god this game is INCREDIBLE! fun fact i did try to play this before, but i started with cirrus's route which was a mistake on me ;') i was not prepared at all for that man and took a break from the game UNTIL TODAY! i just played through keir's route which was sooo much funner for me, i adored seeing the interactions between even the NPCs and vesper in the mouse hole and his ending was so nice!! and sweet!! headpats for all!!! ahhhg as of writing this i've yet to get through the whole game, but i'm diving right back into it ASAP because i can't wait to see everything it has to offer. much much love, i HIGHLY recommend playing, this VN obviously has a lot of love and work put into it and i cannot wait for what comes next. :)


Is there an Android version of this game somewhere please let me know 


Hello ! Yes, there's a way for you to play Obscura through mobile phones, I'd suggest you download 'JoiPlay'  

1. Download the official game file ( for any platform ) 

2. Download the Renpy plug in through Joiplay's website 

3. Open the Joiplay app and add your game ( I suggest you pick up ZArchiver for extracting and getting the .exe file which plays the game! )

If you struggle with anything, I'm sure google could help you with it ! It's pretty easy to get.

Your welcome~


when does the game come out?




Oh my goodness, I am absolutely in-love! This is amazing! I am, for one, so glad to see dark topics and situations handled so freaking well. I don’t, at all, understand negative reviews when warnings and even “safe word” and “aftercare” options were included. It’s astounding. It means the ​viewer​ didn’t do their job correctly, not that the ​dev​ didn’t. Anyway, I loved the grit and wit, heh. I loved the world-building. I loved the setting and locations - the art is gorgeous, the music is a character in itself, I loved it.

The dark situations are handled excellently, with aplomb. They’re tactful and decisive, and I loved the choices that were available in them - ranging from scared reactions to excited and even turned-on reactions - that’s amazing. I can count the number of games that tackle such topics, situations, and even choices like this on one hand. I’m so happy to see it done, here, and done so freakin’ well. Incredible. Thank you. It’s beautiful.

Beyond all that, the characters. Holy cow. I found myself falling in love with each of them, in their own rights. And that almost never happens. I joke, but VNs and LI games tend to be 60/40 as far as the LIs go, imo. But this? Each one was 100% something I wanted in their stories. I legit found myself liking each of them, genuinely. More than all that, though, each of them are just so very well-developed that I could tell what situations were genuine or risky, what choices would benefit or detract, etc. I also found myself thinking about the future chapters for each of them, diving head-on into the world and everything. That’s how well-dev’d the world and the characters are.

The masks/coverings/strangers aspect was also so well-handled, and it was basically another variable that added to each the world, characters, and even the situations/choices, and the subsequent feelings. It was a constant struggle of both liking and hating them, which is so genuine, when you think about it. And it’s such a great and interesting way to handle a game with LIs, rather than just a platformer/rpg/puzzle-game or something, you know? It’s an added factor to consider.

Even the side-characters were so great and endearing. The shop owners (and cousins), even the scary ones, the bouncer, the babysitters, the thief crew, the party attendees - they’re all just very animated in their own rights - they’re not typical NPCs, they have real and true personalities, and they legit made me feel things. Like, I could feel nervous or excited in the situations with them, and that almost never happens with side-characters or NPCs. So, absolutely well-done, there, too.

The branching was excellent. I already thought dev’ing a game like this was way beyond my purview. But seeing how diverse the choices were, and the different ways to branch of from each one - and even the different ways you somehow/give yourself a chance to rejoin/unbranch, if that makes sense? Anyway, it just further solidified the skill and hard-work that goes into this type of story-building. Y’all did freakin’ amazing. I was so happy to go back and try to get different situations with different choices, and that lead to me trying for all the endings (I got them!), and ao;jfa;sjfa;jflasjdf. I just cannot explain how happy it made me to do all of that, and how ​that​, in itself, made me happy - because it just doesn’t happen very often at all to me. It normally feels like too much work, like a chore, but this was just such a blast to do, even over and over again.

I cannot, I repeat: ​cannot​, wait for the full release, or more chapters, or whatever the term should be. This was incredible. Both new and interesting, original, and grand, and just beautiful. I loved it. Every minute of it. Literally. Every. Minute. The only negative thing I can say is that it’s incomplete. And even then, one, I knew that ahead of time. But two, that’s kind of a good thing as well, because it means I have more to do, more to look forward to. And like I said, I cannot wait for that!

10/10, guys. 100% would-recommend.

(but please, read the tws, because it’s an absolutely travesty for those who ​want​ to see things like this, but then they’re overloaded with -1s because the reader didn’t read properly).

(1 edit) (+3)

This is definitely one of the best VN I've played in a long while! Absolutely loved Cirrus and Oleander the most out of all of them. They're both my type 100%. I just hope Vesper forgives me for what I'm about to put them through haha...


There were tons of warnings and even a "safe space" to retreat to, but nevertheless I was so traumatized from playing Cirrus's route that I had to uninstall the game. I could tell the devs put a lot of care into the game so I don't want to trash it, but it's not for me.


We're sorry that you had a negative experience with Obscura. It's not a game for everyone, and we encourage players to curate their experiences like you have. Thank you for trying, and we're sorry you didn't have fun with it.


Thanks for caring! <3


Guys please don't shy away from making dark games even if it does trigger some people. You already give warnings and a safe space, I really believe that is more than enough. Me and many other players love being able to explore darker scenarios. Thank you so much.

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