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i love game


Have mercy, I'm in deep with this game already. I set out to only play it through once just to see the characters/story setup but wound up going through it over and over and getting all the ends in one sitting lmao it's SO GOOD and both the current LIs had me sweatin. 10/10 will be shoving this at everyone as a recommendation & very much looking forward to seeing more of the story!


Hiya! Stumbled upon this games and loved the art style and the atmosphere of it.
I would like to ask, if you're interested in adding a russian translation for the game, for this chapter and maybe even the full game in the future. I've got some expierience and all I need is your permission and a few kind words of guidance along the way...
And a way to contact you. Comments aren't the best place for such discussions, lol.
Hope you're interested!

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh my god this was SO good, I'm def going to go through all endings I hope that the full game is developed soon cuz..... i need it fr 

(6 edits) (-9)


Pretty traumatized over cirrus tbh. and not to mention i think his vibes SUCKED! (ノ`Д)ノ

After completing the Keir route and getting all of Keir's bad ends, I was super happy and literally pumped up for anything else that would come at me... Except I wasn't. LOL?!?  
Well anyways, coming on a little more to talk about my point, I decided to see the hot priest endings like any tired loser (Loser being me, and not any Cirrus fans!!!) at first I was SUPER EXCITED, but well.... as i went to get every ending i think died a little inside lol.

Feeling bad for just betraying Keir alone, when I came across cirrus' s bad ends I just felt UGHHHH. ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜His sadism is beyond me, and I don't have much of a- not submission but- I'm not a big fan of the pain kink?!? And I'M NOT JUDGING but... Since I know cirrus is definitely very hot for lot(?!) people: it's just as a person, I just don't like him! It's fine if I'm the only one, BUT!

Eh, maybe chapter 2 will get me to change my mind. o(一︿一+)o

Anyways, I'm a learn the hard way person. My safe word for this game was... ashamedly, since last night i wasn't really in a clear mood when my mind was totally set on sticking to my real opinions for the options just to be clear, was deeznuts. 

And yeah, sure, that MIGHT sound like im now becoming less serious because of that but that's definitely not the case! I just decided "hey, if I'm gonna be shit my pants scared, I'm not going to be too scared with the handy dandy trusty outdated deeznuts joke, right?" 

So I THOUGHT I was totally prepped for all that, BUT I WASN'TTT.

My opinion still stands EVEN AFTER editing practically this whole thing just to re-word it and make it less offensive, I still just want to beat up cirrus?! Or dump him down that endless hole mentioned in Keir's route.... maybe send him to that god he keeps praying to. 🤜✋💨

Seeing how Keir changed the topic at the mention of 'priest', that also caught my attention FYI. Just that there's literally ZERO evidence to really use that small detail, I just felt it might be important or something later on noting that for myself???

But aside my rants on how cirrus is NOT A HOT KINKY DADDY OVERLORD as I expected because I am somewhat of a lover to male toxic people who are hot: I really love this game! 

I feel like the depths of the story here is one of this game's charms, and the perceptiveness we get is pretty cool too! Not to mention I also really love the way they made the MC's personality and design.

It's also super cute when you think about it and you can definitely just imagine yourself wearing that cloak the MC wears- because seriously, we need more appreciation for the masks designs (even though there's definitely a lot)!!! 

I liked the charcoal gold one the best, but frankly they were all really good I tried them all on at least a dozen times in game!

Pretty interested on how the mind-break thing with the MC will work out, especially in the next update, just because I'm seriously worried for the MC(;´д`)ゞ Like huh?!? You okay bro?!

Especially in the aftercare, I know the comments often mentioned everywhere I scrolled down that the session was "caring" and "sweet" but I... I mean, am I just missing something or what?!? Because the only caring and sweet about it was the creators put it there?!? <referring to the safe word button on the top right of the screen>

But if you're talking about that aftercare session AFTER the stabbing thing.... NO WAY cirrus can be described as "cute" and "sweet"!!! If anything, that's only literally anybody else?!

It took a long time for me over onto get his good end because I, personally, was pretty stubborn about his total-submission dialogue pathway. and while I wasn't too eccentric about it, at least I got to complete almost every ending of the game before sleeping, right? 〒▽〒

Just a disclaimer, I know this is just a game! I'm ranting as an overly interested player, that's all.

I can't wait for chapter 2, and frankly the fancy stranger is so cute! Maybe they'll opt to have the third love interest open in the next update, but i don't really know, because for all i understand, they could just end up as an ally or friend or something. That'd still a valid option! Personally, I've just taken the fascination expected of me and leapt at it.

In game, no matter the love interest, you don't really see anyone quite like fancy stranger. which is intended, obviously, and his aesthetic is SUPER CUTE!!! 

like, not that all the characters didn't look good, because they do! They look very good! IT'S JUST MY VISUAL PREFERENCE ┗( T﹏T )┛

Honestly, I feel like he'll either be the most unexpected antagonist or a complete squishy baby, which I hope is the latter mostly, because I know that's impossible if you're going to the underworld of all places. Maybe he'll gradually be darkened, who knows? 

But anyways I'll wait, I mean, he's here so we'll get the lore anyway! Can't wait for chapter 2!

(3 edits) (+9)(-1)

If you are targeting my comment specifically, then I have to insist that Cirrus IS CARING, because he follows an aftercare session. Something that lacks in 99.9% of all indie or japanese visual novels that feature rough, jerk, yandere or disturbing love interests that constantly dominate over the mc and harm them physically, emotionally or mentally. No one bats an eye at the stuff some of them do to the mc, yet it takes a self-proclaimed dark romance game, with shady love interests to finally have an aftercare session after an intense bdsm scene.

It's fine if it's not your kink, lol. I do not see myself as a submissive either, but I liked Cirrus' scenes, as someone who is dom-leaning myself. I find them to be well done for the reasons I suggested above.

Is Cirrus a good person? No, he's shady as hell; the game doesn't excuse him. This game has trigger warnings: it's a dark romance visual novel. But he's a well written dominant love interest 🤷

Maybe next time you comment, maybe try whining less about what other players like, and spend more time commenting on what you liked or want to improve about the game, instead.

(11 edits) (+3)

oh, no i wasn't targeting your comment directly, sorry if you thought that way! and while i DO understand as you said, most games hold yanderes worse than cirrus, i still think he's a little iffy specifically because of the MC's inner dialogue at the end of his good route! the MC is unsure and feels something is wrong, and personally im not too okay with it. and the aftercare session was sweet, but it doesn't last long, or change the fast either he stabs us or we stab ourselves AND he gives us this sus ass drink that makes us feel like dog shit hurled up in a ball and then thrown around a few times until being tossed in some dumpster fire.

while i DO know i did start off my comment with throwing cirrus at the bad end, it doesn't really change my enjoyment and excitement for further development lol. i didn't talk about how to improve the game because i for one thought it was perfect as is! no glitches to report, nothing unexpected, and an overall smooth gaming experience with good visuals and sound effects.

as i said, i read the warnings and loved the game, so i just want to let you know im not mad at the dark themes because it was 100% expected! im just saying how i felt lmao, not really anymore than that. and i know i was a bit of a rant and nag, but im fine with other players who enjoyed his route and the dark romance genre is always SUPER interesting! i'm not whining- i don't think? i didn't really see myself like that, at least. but sorry if i was. 〒▽〒

maybe i should've thrown some emotes there to sound friendlier, which i guess i will in a few minutes to prevent further misunderstandings- but i wasn't like batshit angry or anything don't get me wrong. i was just high on adrenaline after finishing the game. ಥ_ಥ


I totally get what you mean, and it made me a bit uncomfy as well. Yes, Cirrus did the aftercare and depending on your choices the MC can be totally into it. But the fact is just saying "no" and walking away isn't presented as an option in those scenes. The MC is in a situation where "no" means death in this situation. At no point does Cirrus give them a safe word and no sort of discussion about kinks and boundaries is had beforehand. None of this is okay in safe, responsible, and consensual BDSM. Plus it's all attached to a religion that the MC hasn't necessarily joined. And that's okay because this is just a game and not every relationship is sunshine and rainbows. But the consent in this situation is dubious at best, and Cirrus is by no standard a caring and responsible dom. 


he kinda coerced her into sw n in one of the endings he kills her for not being intrested in him. Also he sa's her for stopping him so idk about him being caring hes just manipulative

(1 edit)

There needs to be more than just aftercare in responsible BDSM. The fact that we get a safe word and the MC doesn't shows the developers are well aware of that. They're being coerced, and I don't think the game excuses it. It's okay to enjoy relationships like this in fiction - especially when it's so engaging and well-written like it is here. But if Cirrus is being billed as a caring dom he needs to discuss things BEFORE a session and give the MC an option to say no without consequences. The consent between them was dubious at best, forced at worst depending on the choices made.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I wish I stopped getting notifications to this comment because I am sick of people reminding me of what I already know. Yes, I am well aware, but as you might know, this is a dark game with love interest that are not good people ( I mean, have you seen Cirrus' bad ending? it involves human trafficking). Expecting healthy, and realistic depictions of relationship dynamics is absurd. Of course Cirrus is manipulative, that's obviously his whole thing as a character. It's made clear, by how your interactions with him are, mc's constantly 'persuaded' or 'nudged' towards him to the point of no longer being able to reject him.. Of course such an early bdsm scene would have always been dubious at best and forced at worst on the principle that their power dynamic has been unbalanced as hell FROM THE START. All I'm saying is that COMPARED TO OTHER LIS FROM OTHER DARK ROMANCE GAMES OR EVEN  COMPARED TO DARK ROMANCE NOVELS, Cirrus' scenes are better written, gentler and more caring due to the integration of the aftercare session. That is all I mean.

(1 edit)

I did say that it's okay to have "unhealthy" relationships in fiction. There's a growing purity culture that shames any media that isn't positive - especially when it comes to LGBT relationships. I just believe it's also important to have conversations like this, especially around BDSM which I think is often misunderstood. How caring he's being I think is up to interpretation since it's established he's manipulative and has ulterior motives, but I do appreciate he's making somewhat of an effort to comfort the MC, rather than just leaving them. If we're comparing this to another depiction of BDSM like 50 Shades of Grey, Cirrus is much better. The aftercare session is why I'm putting closer scrutiny towards him, since I can't just dismiss him as a total bastard if he appears to have some idea of what constitutes healthy BDSM but is still raising all the red flags. I hpe in the future these are the types of conversations he and the MC have as they grow closer together.


We seem to agree more than we disagree on these matters, so I will apologize for the angry wording I had to my previous comment since it came from misunderstanding the intent behind your original comment.  Conversations definitely need to be had on how lgbt relationships are written; but also on how bdsm dynamics are more than often frequently used as complementary violence for abusive relationships (talking about dark romances books that are filled with terribly pseudo-'bdsm' initiated sex scenes, when it's just violence and abuse...).

It's just frustrating for me, since this is the first time I get to witness a dominant ( speaking outside of bdsm terms) character written in the way Cirrus is. Typically they are physically forceful in a brutish way and very demeaning and smug-ish towards the main character. I've grown to  hate the characters that are portrayed in such manner from the various romance inclined media that I consume. There's an abundance of them from novels, vns and games; So Cirrus was a breath of fresh air, for me at least. I guess that's why I feel a tiny bit protective over him, even thought I'm well aware he's a trash fictional 'husband' material (lol). He did better than most male leads I've had the displeasure of reading about :). Not perfect, not even close, but better. The bar is really that low when we have no other better portrayals.

Finally, I do heavily agree with your last statement. I am hoping for the relationship to develop into something closer to the green zone, at least when it comes to intimate sessions that involves trust and consent. I'm expecting some emotional development between Cirrus and the mc to occur eventually as the devs did promised us each lis will have their own happy love ending with no 'gatcha!' moment.




WOW 😍😍😍


(Forgive me for potential mistakes or weird phrasing, since English is not my native language and I'm still learning)

I stumbled upon this demo and this is beautiful. It has some serious VIBES. Delicious. Art? Music? Writing style? Yes, yes, yeees.

Thank you for this ❤️

Also sorry, I just scrolled some comments and noticed that people sometimes call protagonist 'Vesper'. Is that, like, a default name or something? If yes, than it's very funny coincidence - I always name each of my protagonists by the name of Vesper, so I did the same here and happily typed in a name box, aha. 

Yes, Vesper is the default name for the MC! Right now it's only visible if you hit enter on an empty name input box, but in a future build you'll see the default name suggested.

And thank you for playing and reviewing a game not in your first language ❤️


I'm absolutely in love with this demo! Can't wait for more & wishing you all the best for the development ! <333


oh my goshhh jgfggasidgj I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH but yeah first i got a bad ending for cirrus kinda feel betrayed ..and then i got a good ending with keir like i wanna try get good ending with cirrus and i got it huiduiwqigdaw im so happy 


this game slays. i love all the love interests and . i. :( ... i can't wait till the next chapter


Cirrus, my beloved. I am chuckling over people perplexed on how to get his "best" end....just do what he says when he says it and ask for more. Seriously, this was the best (and hottest) description of of a session I've seen depicted in media of any kind in a long time. Eagerly awaiting more.


You made me fall in love with this wonderful game<3.

My favorite is Keir<3<3<3<3.

I can't wait to find out more about the characters, the world, lore, and our mysterious protagonist (I really love protagonists who have their own personalities, pasts, and special circumstances).

I have to ask, in the future the protagonist will have a physical image (Like sprites and CGs of their face and body)?

A theory that I have right now is that the reason why Vesper is so covered up compared to the other characters, is because his illness mutates/changes/worsens his physical appearance (Like Leprosy or Chickenpox or something more fantasy type (My imagination flies to the possibilities XD (I really love protagonists with illnesses or disabilities<3)))

In case he will have a face in the future, will he have a default face and body or it will be modifiable to the player's taste?...

...Will there be NSFW scenes? ; ) ; ) ; )

And I ams done!

Thank you very much for reading my comment, I really appreciate it<3.

I'll keep an eye on your social media, I just wanted to let you know that you've won me over as a fan forever (^///^).


Aw, thanks for all the love❤️🥰 We so glad you've enjoyed the game so far!

When it comes to the MC (we call them Vesper behind the scenes) and customisation, we can't make any promises. If we had infinite money and time we would almost certainly want to make Vesper customisable, but as it stands it's not something we have on development schedule. It's just a lot to ask of Mugi when she's already busy being a superstar in a lot of places.

When it comes to NSFW scenes, it's basically in the same place. We don't want to make any promises and then break them later if things change, but also if we find a good spot to add a bit of adult content in the routes, then sure. And if none of the main plots leave room for smut, we'll look into adding some of that good content in DLC.


Thanks for answering!

I'll pray that the game becomes more popular than it already is and you can afford both and more in the future<3.

P.S: For the record, even if Vesper's face or body is never revealed and there are no NSFW scenes, I'd still love Obscura (^///^).

(1 edit) (+2)

the gameplay is entriguing, the soundtrack is a bang (the kind that makes you stop in your tracks to just vibe to it), the characters are GOD DANG, and the main character is so mysterious I want to know more! And the name of the sickness also makes me so intrigued, the religions are interesting and the art?? THE ART, it's *chefs kiss*. This game is amazing and it's only been one chapter. You all are doing great, this game has such a care put into it and I really really really appreciate it!


How long is one route if I may ask?😊


One may always ask! 🥰 Each route will probably be ~10k words for one-read through, plus the prologue which is ~3k words. How long that takes depends on your reading speed, but we would say that 10k words takes about 1 hour as a very rough rule of thumb. Most people read faster than that, but choices and clicking through text tends to slow them down a bit.


Thank you so much for telling me!! 😁 It helps me a lot!!


Oh man, Keir is just so damn charming. I love the banter between him and MC. I have yet to check out the route with Cirrus (will do it right away), but after playing the route with Keir (and getting the best ending!), I simply had to come and say that I really, really love the game so far. 

I'm so looking forward to 2nd chapter!


Apart from the compliments I have for the gorgeous art and unique aesthetic, great world-building and immersive ost, I want to personally thank you for writing such a neat character like Cirrus.

 I'm not one who likes overtly aggressive, cocky, rude,  degrading or any type of dominant male characters. But I love how you made Cirrus refined, a praiser, and even considerate, careful and warm during the aftercare session (which are so well done!)

Consider this comment the highest compliment, given from someone whose cup of tea isn't dominant or sadistic characters at all.

I am eagerly waiting for more🙏


no female RO..


so what?


I tried out the demo last night and I was immediately impressed by how the dialogue/writing kept being both eerie and unsettling but entertaining and full of sass at the same time. The worldbuilding is so gripping I am very excited for the next releases!

(1 edit) (+5)

Thank you very much for this game! I love daddy Cirrus. Very immersive. And I got his best ending!

Deleted 1 year ago

Yes, we are releasing OBSCURA episodically! 


Hi hello I would just like to thank you for inventing Keir Obscura. The banter between him and Y/N is so charming and they play off each other so well, like a married couple lol. Looking forward to chapter 2 and maybe even some spicyness for Keir like Cirrus got in his route?


I'm in love with this and it's only chapter one. I have a serious Cirrus brain rot (got all his endings) and have replayed his route so many times in the past few days, it's ridiculous. I've already designed my version of Vesper (I named her Nova to stick with the star theme) and have art things I want to do. 

The art, music, and characters are already so phenomenal and I want to know all the lore so bad. I'm so curious if Cirrus treats other people like he does mc (as in the people who enters the church, like does he have a congregation?) or if like he teased to them, mc is extra special.

I love how sassy mc is and their mask designs are lovely. Mouthy mc with immoral dommy Cirrus is a big yes please.  The aftercare stuff is great and I like all the ways you can tap out if need be, especially given how intense the scenes can be. 

If y'all ever decide to make a patreon for this game, I would 100% join and support. I can't wait for more of the game. <3


this visual novel is honestly so refreshing! the story seems like the type to be published as an actual book, so i was immediately interested with the premise of the game. kier reminded me so much of a typical novel LI that's cheeky and brooding yet charming in his own way so he was obviously the first route i played and i honestly loved every bit of it. be still, my beating heart.

oh, and please, please, please, go deeper into the lore and world-building of the story! i love how different this romance visual novel is compared to others. can't wait to see more of kier (and the fancy stranger (¬‿¬) lol) kudos to you guys!


Wow, I haven't  been this excited for a game in a long time >.< Ticks off all my favorite boxes. Can't wait to see this amazing experience fleshed out into a full game!


That was just fantastic! Thank you!!! I look forward to chapter 2.


I'm an enthusiast and creator of the project "Keeper of Time". Specialize in translating visual novels and comics into Russian. I understand if, due to the current terrible situation, you immediately stop reading after this. I'm writing with a proposal to translate ur games into Russian. I don't sell translations and leave all links on authors, I also do not take money from the owners of the original for my work. If you want, I can show you my project list.

u can contact me:

(2 edits) (+4)

Honestly, this visual novel is amazing. I love the detailed writing, the art, the world building, and the characters. I'm excited to see more about the MC's illness & more of Kier + Cirrus. I'm also interested in learning about the 'fancy stranger', even if he doesn't have a route now I'm very eager to learn his story.

P.S. The aftercare is lovely,  so thanks for adding that.

(1 edit) (+4)

OKOKOK, I did a quick search and I actually realized that the condition that MC has translates/relates to having a fractured soul... idk if its what it means for the game but the condition is a combo of real words so... I also don't know what that means for MC and why they're gonna supposedly die but ig we'll find out


Started with Keir's route, and so glad I did--he's def my type. Loving this game and am eager for more!


haven't played keir's route yet so i dont have a full review but uh. 100000/10 for Cirrus, i am down SO bad for this priest it's insane, i AM the target audience you aimed for when he was made, I need more of him so bad oh my sweet lord


I am in love with this game! So excited to see more :D


I love this! The art and story is so interesting and beautiful! I cannot wait to see where this goes!

Keir has my heart! <3






Literally diserve more attention . The graphic in this game pleased my aesthetic lol.  I CAN'T EXPLAIN, IT JUST AMAZING 



Oh wow, just in love with Keir.


I can't wait for the full version, the whole vibe o this game is just <3

(2 edits) (+4)

Absolutely amazinggg!! I was having such a good wholesome time on the keir route and then switching to the cirrus route afterward had my jaw on the floor... The choices had me speechless but it's so intriguing. I love the storytelling, the wordbuilding, the art, the sprites and can't wait to see the full game :)


omg i love keir wtf i got his best end on my first playthrough and i'm gonna try out the other endings later! i am so very intrigued to see what comes next! i haven't seen the fancy stranger or cirrus yet so i'm excited to see how i can interact with them as well :)  also even though i have done literally one ending so far, i am so so interested in the world of this game?? i am so invested already.

ALSO ALSO THE AFTERCARE BUTTON??? i just clicked it to see what it would do and omg it's so sweet, i love it sm.


Same no clue how, never interacted with the others


I'm in love this with project!! I played through Cirrus's route so far and the safeword/aftercare screen is really amazing of yall to have put in. The art is beautiful and I cant wait to see more about the story of the market and the illness our protag is dealing with


aside from my other comment i really love this game, it just gives me a vibe other games like this dont...its truly amazing

i love keir so much hes just gorgeous i love everything about his design!! and the way he pats mc's head is just so adorable i just wanna cry

this game is so good i cant even put how good it is into words (or maybe thats my tiny vocabulary's fault)

i literally just did keirs #9 ending and its not showing??              help please lmaoo

i followed the ending guide as well

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