October round-up

Hello, hello! On this, the birthday of our beloved trash priets, here is the latest dispatch from the Rotten Raccoons den. October has been and gone and we’ve had an exciting one! Let’s get the big, obvious highlight on the table first:

WE’RE ON STEAM, BABY! It took us a while to get there, but Keir and Cirrus are now available to romance on Steam in our demo. Oleander and Francesco are waiting in the wings for their turn, but for now if you want to enjoy seeing OBSCURA sitting in your Steam library, now you can! You can download the demo (and wishlist the full game!) here.

We released the demo as part of Steam’s Hallowe’en event, and so we also commissioned a little bit of spooky seasonal art for our marketing. We have a feeling this is going to make some of you very happy!

On the other side, we’ve been trucking along as usual. Cirrus’ script is starting to fill out with real dialogue this time (though we appreciate how much you enjoyed the trash draft sample from last month). There’s also Keir stuff, but his script got a chance to shine last month, so here’s a bit of what’s happening on Cirrus’ side.

And in the world of art, Mugi decided to one-hit KO us with another CG and oh boy. The scene it’s attached to is going to be extremely fun. Here is the smallest, tiniest peek of it:

Trust me, some of you will go absolutely feral when you find it.

And that’s it from us for this month!

Rotten Raccoons 💙🦝


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Truly hyped for future updates, amazing game so far. <3 will be stalking and lurking  /j :] 

Hello! I'm not an English speaker, I speak Portuguese and I'm from Brazil, I wanted to know if you are thinking about translating into other languages (Spanish, Portuguese, etc.) or would you prefer just English?

I really enjoyed the game as much as I could, I enjoyed the game so much and I'm obsessed with Cirrus and Francesco 

I couldn't understand some things since I'm not really good at reading, writing or speaking, so I wanted to know if it could have any chance of being translated

Thank you for your work, I was really impressed, I can't wait for the game to be released! (Sorry if there is any kind of error, I used Google Translate for this-)


Right now our plan is finish writing the script in English and then we can look at translations. A good translation can be quite expensive (and we're guessing the script will be at least 200k words!)  and we would want it to be professionally done. If we ever get a translation, we will absolutely announce that.

So for now, sorry, but we don't have any plans to make a translation. This might change, but for now thank you so much for doing your best with the current English version! 


Esta é uma tradução automática: 

No momento, nosso plano é terminar de escrever o roteiro em inglês e depois procurar traduções. Uma boa tradução pode ser bastante cara (e supomos que o roteiro terá pelo menos 200 mil palavras!) e gostaríamos que ela fosse feita profissionalmente. Se algum dia conseguirmos uma tradução, anunciaremos com certeza.

Portanto, por enquanto, desculpe, mas não temos planos de fazer uma tradução. Isso pode mudar, mas, por enquanto, muito obrigado por dar o seu melhor com a versão atual em inglês!


Hello! Thank you for the kind response, I can understand the affection and passion that the developers have for the game, if there is no translation it's ok, I will still play and do my best, I really fell in love with Obscura, one of the best games in this style that I have ever played and I captivated in an absurd way

Thank you for your hard work, I know how difficult it is to program and make a story, know that I'll be here enjoying the game as much as I can with my little understanding of English <3



when is the chapter 2 out ??

The best answer we can give right now is "when it's done". I promise once we know, we will be announcing it very loudly and with much excitement!


alright thank you!


ahh congrats!!!!


Congratulations on the Steam release! :)

a demo? like an updated one?

(1 edit) (+4)

The demo is the original Chapter 1 release, just on Steam. If you've downloaded the 1.5 release here on itch.io, you're all caught up! You're technically ahead of Steam, since they don't have Oleander or Francesco to enjoy just yet.
