May round-up

Hello to all the beautiful raccoon friends out there! It’s time for another monthly round-up, so pull up your chair. April in Sweden tends to be wild, but May has been gorgeous and mild. And what better way to celebrate the sun than to look at the work we’ve done (I promise it’s fun).

At this point in our work Cajsa’s stepped up to the plate, and her music and ambiance work has been great. There’s nothing better than starting a test and hearing her work, Cajsa’s the best❤️

In the world of art, Mugi’s been trucking right along, with Oleander’s birthday art coming out strong. 

She’s added some backgrounds and being doing some sketches, and we’ve been reacting like absolute letches ❤️

In the writing camp there’s a lot to report: here’s Keir giving a witty retort.

And Oleander’s route is starting to form up! So his script is getting its first close-up.

And I know we all want a taste of Cirrus, so here’s a snippet that will cheer us!

June is the best month (according to Violet), so we’ll have more to share soon from our file. It’s been a pleasure doing this round-up, and keep your eyes on our socials; something may come up.

Love, The Rotten Raccoons Team

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So I found the demo on steam a couple of days ago and I've made  an account here just to say how much I loved it!! 

I cannot wait to see what more the team has in store for this game bc daaamn *^*

do i need to download it again , to get the updates??

Thank you for these updates! I look forward to them every month. <3

yayy im always looking forward to news about the game :) 

Love this artstyle!!

So excited :D


Kudos to sticking with the rhyming scheme 👏 rhymes are Hard with a capital H