OBSCURA – Chapter Two: The Depths (Keir and Cirrus Route) is now available!

It's a big day for us here in the raccoon den! We're very excited to share Keir and Cirrus' second chapters and hope very much that you'll enjoy them! The game is obviously available here, and on Steam! We're now getting properly into production for Oleander and Francesco's second chapters and we are having a ball with them, cannot wait to show you what we've been working on.

For anyone looking to do a review or create content for the game, you are still welcome to reach out to us on Twitter. We have a request for anyone planning on doing streaming or VOD content to follow our video content rules.

Thank you so much your patience, we're so glad you've come on this adventure with us. Please enjoy Keir and Cirrus' continuation, and look forward to Oleander and Francesco!


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(2 edits) (+2)



edit: oh.


only played cirrus so far but hoooollllly shit amazing, he continues to be deranged and so does the mc apparently

it keeps telling me "no permissions" when i try download the game idk


absolutely loved it but them cliff hangers had me crying. Can't wait for Chapter 3!


Never have I ever opened steam so fast and bought something. Keep on keeping up team! You are awesome!

Hi, I own the game but the latest file I have available is 1.6.1, and it rolls to credits after the end of Chapter 1. How can I access Chapter 2? I'm in Australia, if that changes anything.

In this case you need to download and launch the 2.0.1 build specifically. 1.6.1 is the demo version so there's no Chapter 2 in it to play.


Just writing this in here too incase it didn't get seen, if you've bought the game on steam is there a way to have the ending guide file? I can't access it because i didn't buy it on itch.io 


The ending guide is now available in the Steam community hub; I needed to rework it to suit Steam's formatting.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much!!


When chapter 2 for the other MLs come out will we have to buy the chapter again?


Nope, it's one-and-done. We're going to raise the price slightly as more content releases, but once you've bought the game you're good to go, you'll get all future Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 updates.


Quick question, I apologize if this is a silly question but I wanted to know in order to access chapter two do we have to complete chapter one?

I didn't play the demo, so I'm not sure if save files from the demo carry over to full version or not. But if you start a new game, you do have to finish chapter 1 before getting to play chapter 2.

(There is no 'skip to chapter 2' button on the menu)


You're correct, and we will add that demo saves are compatible with the early access game. There's some bugs that may pop up from loading very old demo saves, but the save files are all still accessible. 


Yes, Chapter Two continues directly on from Chapter One. Demo saves do carry over, so if you have a save close to the end of Chapter One from a demo, you can load it in the 2.0 version and simply continue.

(1 edit)

Ahhhh congratulations, guys!!! I can't wait to play!!!🎊🎊🎊🎊


So good! Thank you, cant wait for more!!

Helloooo how long would you say it takes to complete the good endings of chapter two for kier and cirrus?


There's about 50k words of new content total. Based on comments and reviews we've gotten so far, I'd estimate that a straight shot to only the good endings would take about 3-4 hours altogether, depending on reading speed, maybe 2 if you're very fast.

Oooo that's good 


Hi! How many chapters are planned?

(sorry if I missed this info elsewhere)


Three chapters in total!

Thanks! <3

When I try downloading the game from steam it says 'This item is currently unavailable in your region'. Is there a reason for that or is it just my steam having issues? 


Steam currently thinks we're Too Horny, which we think is very silly. We're going to dispute the rating with them in the next few days and hopefully bring it down, but we didn't want to get into a fight with them about this a day before release. So that's almost certainly what's causing your issue.



It's about 50k words of additional content, ~5/6 hours of reading depending on your speed.