Thank you for 1000+ downloads!

You're all incredible! After less than a week, we're already nearing close to 1500 downloads. We are completely blown away by this reception! Thank you all so much for giving Obscura a chance and for giving us all your precious feedback ❤️

We're going to start planning the next chapters and content very soon! We're just taking a moment to rest and sort out some minor tidbits in the current script 🌙 Although we won't say too much about the upcoming content, please look forward to meeting the fancy stranger some well as a very special secret character who will be introduced very soon...❤️ 👀

Whether you simped for Mr. Thief or Papa Cirrus, or even Vesper (MC) and the stranger, you have our most heartfelt thanks 🦝


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Mr.Thief is my favorite!


You absolutely deserve this! More people need to play Obscura.


Oh my goodness I'm so excited for this! Keir route all the way


hey! i love the game but a walkthrough would be much appreciated! Papa cirrus XD

(1 edit) (+4)

papa? sorry, father? sorry, daddy? i meann-


'papa cirrus' made me choke on my water-